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Consumer Awareness

Consumer Awareness Tips

FDIC Deposit Insurance

Click the button to read the FDIC article about deposit insurance.

Your Relationship with your Bank

Click the button to read the FDIC article about building and maintaining a good relationship with your bank.

Joining Finances with a Partner

Click the button to read the FDIC article about joining finances with someone else.

Bank Fees

Click the button to read the FDIC article about bank fees and how to manage them.

Online Scammers

Click the button to read the FDIC article about scammers and tips to avoid them.

Credit Reports and Scores

Click the button to read the FDIC article about what your credit report means and how to improve it.

Money Management for Youth

Click the button to read the FDIC article about how to save money when you're young and why its important.

Money Habits

Click the button to read the FDIC article to learn how to create good money habits.

Financial Planning

Click the button to read the FDIC article to learn how to assess and create a budget.

Banking with apps

Click the button to read the FDIC article about being FDIC insured when using online banking apps.

Keep Your Personal Info Safe

Click the button to see how to protect yourself and your information from scammers.

Staying Secure with Online Banking

Click the button to read the FDIC article to learn about staying secure while using online banking and apps.

Fake Check Scams

Click the button to read the FDIC article to learn how scammers are using fake checks.

Visa Alerts

Card Suite Lite Debit Card Alerts

Sign up with SecurLOCK for transaction alerts on your Visa Debit Card

OD Education

Overdraft Education

Here are tips and options to avoid overdraft fees. 


Privacy Notice

South Central State Bank does not share your private information.  Here is our privacy policy.

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NOTICE: South Central State Bank is not responsible for and has no control over the subject matter, content, information, or graphics of the web sites that have links here. Please contact us with any concerns or comments.

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